The SOQ is an assessment tool that measures the climate for creativity, innovation, and change created by organizations, teams, and leaders. The multi-method measure utilizes both quantitative and qualitative data to yield powerful results.
Over 55 years of extensive research, development, and testing make the Situational Outlook Questionnaire (SOQ) what it is today. The SOQ is a reliable, valid and useful measure built upon a solid statistical foundation. It is based on the early works of Dr. Göran Ekvall, a world renowned Swedish climate researcher.
The power behind the SOQ is that it is designed to make real, lasting innovation and change happen. The measure has been utilized by thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations, many of which are Fortune 500 companies. The SOQ has been linked to:
Improved job satisfaction
Values that promote organizational learning
Increased creative productivity
Leadership behaviors promoting change
Better implementation of new systems
Improved understanding of organizational culture
Successful transformation efforts
Identifying differences in sub-climate (divisions)
Efficient use of resources
Successful development of new products and services
Employee health and well-being
Effective reward and recognition programs
High performing teams and divisions
Improved acceptance and management of diversity
Positive work attitudes
Decreasing work-related stress
The Situational Outlook Questionnaire measures 9 Dimensions of Organizational Climate:
The degree to which people are involved in daily operations, long-term goals, and visions
The degree of independence shown by the people in the organization
The emotional safety in relationships
The amount of time people can, and do, use for elaborating new ideas
The spontaneity and ease displayed within the workplace
The presence of personal and emotional tensions (a negative dimension – in contrast to the debate dimension)
The way new ideas are treated
The occurrences and disagreement between viewpoints, ideas, experiences, and knowledge
The tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity
The SOQ also includes Three Key Questions:
In order to provide a deeper understanding of the working environment, the SOQ also asks three open-ended questions so that participants can provide more specific detail about:
What’s most helpful and supportive to their creativity?
What’s hindering their creativity?
What specific recommendations or concrete actions would improve the climate for creativity and innovation?
To learn more about using the Situational Outlook Questionnaire (SOQ) with your team or organization, or to become qualified to use the SOQ, contact us.